Can you grow lilacs in Tennessee?

Lilacs will not tolerate the hot summers and very mild winters south of our state, but there are many varieties that will thrive in the Middle Tennessee area! In our area, lilacs grow best in full sun with a bit of afternoon shade. They love medium moist, well- drained soil.Click to see full answer. Herein, where do lilacs grow best? Planting Grow lilacs in fertile, humus-rich, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil (at a pH near 7.0). Select a site where your lilac will get full sun—at least 6 hours. Make sure the site drains well. Plant in either spring or fall, although the latter is preferred. Furthermore, will lilacs grow in the South? Sadly, not all lilacs are suited to the heat of the south. They often need a long period of winter chill for buds to mature and bloom the following spring. However, some lilac varieties and cultivars bloom well in the Lower South Region. Beside above, what zone do lilacs grow in? Common lilacs (Syringa vulgaris) are the old-fashioned type of lilac and offer the biggest flowers, the best fragrance and the most enduring blooms. They typically require chilly periods in winter and only thrive in zones 5 through 7.Can you grow lilacs in Phoenix AZ?Growing Lilacs In Arizona – Knowledgebase Question. Lilacs will grow in the alkaline soil in your region, but will not be a dependable performer because lilacs need a pronounced winter chill to produce flowers. There are a few hybrids developed by Descanso Gardens that will bloom without a winter chill.
